
1st floor: Cell 112
The candidate enters this granary through a small high hatch. It ends up on an inclined plane which reveals to be a seesaw held by sacks of grain at the other end. He sees 9 hatches in front of him: the key is attached to a bag of grain in one of these hatches. To reach them, the candidate will have to pass the bags of grain to the other side of the scale to reverse the balance of the scale and to begin his research. To get out, he will have to go through the same passage as to enter but which suddenly became inaccessible. Once again he will have to pass the bags of grain on the opposite side of the scale to access the exit hatch. There are therefore risks of remaining a prisoner in this ordeal.


Total Male Female
Times Played 1 1 0
Win Lose Locked in
Outcome 1 0 0

Episodes Featured In

Episode Contestant Outcome
Series 2, Episode 4 Dom Gallagher Win